
Driving an electric car is convenient: electric “fuel” costs 70% less than the traditional one, and even if the cost of an electric car seems to be higher, it is going to quickly decrease thanks to the economy of scale and to further technology developments; moreover, we should take into account that maintenance costs of an electric car are close to zero.

In addition to that, many legislations are sending out reductions and exemptions for those who buy electric vehicles. And the latest news confirm how much daily mobility is electric-friendly.

And here’s why.

In Italy short-range mobility is increasing, the 53,4% of people’s movements happens within 5km (45,7% in 2013) and the total length on an average working day decreases of 5km per person.

Within 5km, the average time spent to reach the destination with public means of transport is more or less 22-23 minutes; whereas it takes 10 minutes by bike, the same time you would spend by using a car or a motorbike. Same result with more effort.

The length of daily travels decreases: it goes from 38,7 km in 2013, to 33,4km in 2014. The downturn is noticed for travels to work or to school, which are 16,4km long in 2014 , instead of the 18 km of 2013. Approximately, the same downturn is noticed for the family run: in 2014 people travel for 8km, less than the 8,8km in 2013. During the free-time, people move within a shorter range, going from 11,3km in 2013 to 9,1km in 2014.

It takes more time to go to work or to school (25,5 minutes) than to move during the free-time (19,4 minutes) or for the family run (17 minutes). Referring to the moving speed, the best performances are noticed in the travels towards working or studying places (33,8km/h); whereas the average speeds to reach leisure places or to places linked to family run are the same (25km/h).

Moving with a private vehicle means, on average, spending 20 minutes for 20km distance. To go to work or to study, people prefer to use their own car in the 67,6% of cases, and only 18,5% of people chooses the public transport. The highest percentage of the private car use is noticed in family related activities (71,3%) and for travels between 6 and 20 km (81,3%).

Source: Isfort 2014